Wednesday, September 28, 2011

From my Birther, to the Jungle... And every where in between.

The Africa Mercy is an amazing ship, and not to mention owned by one of the worlds most amazing organizations. I consider the Mercy ship to be like Charlie and the Chocolate factory. thousands want to volunteer but only hundreds get accepted. hundreds of thousands want surgeries but only thousands get excepted. Looking past the gates of the port and over roof tops, many can see the towering blue funnel of the Mercy Ships. Many know what goes on inside but only a select few get to see the workings.

My backpack is my life, and if I ever loose it I just might die... Ok well maybe I'm exaggerating a little, if my camera and backpack where lost or stolen I would die. Ok to much exaggeration...

My back is my lifeline though, and anyone Else's when they are with me. For it is almost like a walmart/ambulance on my back.

Here is a list of what is always in side.
5 Litters of water, Natural immune boosters, Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Bug spray, Sun screen, Betadine, Steri strips (butterfly band aids) Band aids, Gauze pads, Alcohol pads, Saline, Bug bite cream, Music & headphones, Razor, Hypodermic needle ,Tooth brush, Deodorant, CPR mask x's 2, Penlights, Flashlight, Pen, Fisheye film camera, Minlota SLR film camera, Kodak digital camera, Rolls of film, Bible, Journal, Sandals, Keys, Money, Wallet, Sierra Leone ID, Tissues, Taco bell hot sauce. I think that is all, like I said it is like walmart/ambulance. All of this is with me at all times. And depending on where I go somethings are added.

Hiking and the beach, two of my favorite things to do on my time off. Hiking is one of the most relaxing activities I enjoy, and one of the best activities that shows me Gods beauty. I have hiked in several ares here in Sierra Leone there is still alot of unexplored areas I would die to visit. But Iam not to sure I can visit them with the week I have left. 

Dublin Banana Island is a small island off the coast Of Sierra Leone. It is an amazing well kept island with miles upon miles of hiking. But not on  the trails one would find back home. The trails here are all overgrown and matter of fact do not even resemble a trail. Using machetes to forge paths in to the Jungles abyss on Dublin Banana Island, is all part of the experience.
 It is amazing how looking out the ship I see nothing but housing and mountains. But once out on the road, there is a nice mix of mountains, flat land and rolling hills. It becomes to look more like Africa, than an over populated country.

 Cities that lay screamingly awake by the Bay

 Boats that have wise sayings painted on the side of them,
 And of course creatures and insects that crawl all over.. It is fascinating to see what God has created.

Man the beauty of it all. I'm truly going to miss being here in Sierra Leone, working with the locals, providing hope for the lost, and discovering what God has created. But I will not say I'm never coming back, for I know I will be back in Sierra Leone.


Locks, Barb wire, and rides in crowded vans with chickens!
Honestly what more can I ask for, all my memories are exciting and full.
The more time I spend with the locals the more I understand my purpose in life.
the more I value what I have such as family, and a loving God.
The mystery that lays behind a locked door, or a towering center block wall topped off with razor wire.
This is how I view the world, for every door and every wall contains a history. And the curiosity that courses through my brain, makes me wonder what is beyond the wall or the sky? what is below the ocean? where does the world end? and where does it start? This is my adventure and to answer all those question is a mystery. All I know is everything starts and ends all the time. nothing is ever static, or lasting but God is!

 The picture above is me getting my Departure notice... SAD DAY

*Sadly this is all coming to an end. But this is the start of the begging of the rest of my story*

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