Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Luke 10:23 
  "Then He turned to His disciples and said privately,
 'Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see:'"

I feel so honored and privileged to be in Africa. I feel even more honored and privileged to say I' m working for my God!

Philippians 1:29 
29 "For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in him but to also suffer for His sake"
Two of the most amazing captivating Bible verses that catch my attention everyday. Every time I see them I’m just in awe, it feels like I have discovered something new every time I flip to those two passages. Now what everyone has been waiting for pictures and captions. Sorry I don’t have any stories to tell but I want to save some for when I return home if I ever return home, that is. Well enjoy!

This one of the many children that I would adopt here if I could. He was the funniest little guy, but shy once in front of the camera.

As screening progressed on Monday morning at a small hospital called Kissi there was this child with his mother waiting in the cue. More so the mother was waiting and the child was playing the screaming game. I came over with my camera to take a 'snap' of him; he quickly quieted down as soon as he saw me smiling at him. This is one of the kids that could

The things that I see at the school are interesting. I will give you all a break down on this later. 
A painting of the Anastasis out side of the port gates. This was from 2004 last time mercy ships was in Sierra Leone

Thank you all for you prayers, and support. I have been under some heavy spiritual attacks lately, and would ask if you could all pray for me, as I journey down this rough road ahead.
! Thank you all!

1 comment:

  1. Clinton ... came across your blog ... we do not know one another but, yes, you requested prayer on your behalf, under spiritual attacks, I will be in prayer for you ... for if God is for us then who can be against us! Continue in His service. Will check back on your blog to see how you are doing.
